If you are having issues connecting with your bank, find the issue below that best matches your symptoms, and then proceed with the corresponding mitigation steps. 

You are prompted to visit your bank's website to do something

If you are prompted to visit the bank's website, it means you either have not fully finished setting up your online banking profile, or there are new terms and conditions, or an announcement blocking The Closing Docs from collecting your deposit data.

When you receive this message, please visit your bank's website (not on their mobile app), login, and either finish setting up your online banking account or click through any terms and conditions updates or announcements that might be blocking The Closing Docs. Once done, signing into your bank again through The Closing Docs' automated income verification should bring success.

I didn't receive an authentication code on my phone

If you didn't receive the authentication code sent to you by your bank to authenticate your connection, please reach out to support@theclosingdocs.com and we will resolve the issue.

The code is being sent to a phone that does not support text message (like a landline)

Unfortunately, this issue cannot be resolved. You will be unable to connect your bank account. Please follow the same instructions as if your bank is not supported to alert your decision maker that they need to pursue alternative forms of income verification.